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Oblivion Chameleon Spell Vendor

Does anyone know where i can find Chameleon Spells as ive finished the game and am really bored, i finished the fighters guild questline, Mages guild questline, Dark Brotherhood/Black Hand Questline basically all questlines except for the Thieves guild questline and the only thing i find fun is levelling. Each spell has a certain budget, if you will. Points get allocated based on whether the spell is touch range or can be shot like a missile, how strong the effect is, how long the effect will last, and whether the effect is on one target or a burst. The more points a spell uses, the costly it is to cast and the higher skill required to cast it. The Illusion skill grants the ability utilize spells that 'charm, conceal, create light, silence, paralyze, command, or affect morale, or aggressiveness' (Elder Scrolls Official Site). The Bravil Mages Guild specializes in Illusion. As a new Apprentice of Illusion, you know what is and isn't real, and how to fool the minds of your opponents. You can now cast Apprentice level Illusion spells. Feb 14, 2020  Chameleon changes: 100% Chameleon still exists in OOO and is still completely gamebreaking, so this is my solution to the problem. When used with this mod's settings, 'Real Chameleon Rebalance' by phillnet has been seamlessly integrated into OOO. I disabled the new 'invisibility' feature that the mod adds as well as the messages. Does anyone know where i can find Chameleon Spells as ive finished the game and am really bored, i finished the fighters guild questline, Mages guild questline, Dark Brotherhood/Black Hand Questline basically all questlines except for the Thieves guild questline and the only thing i find fun is levelling.

Needs more javascripts

This mods adds a number of spells with familiar Illusion effects mainly geared toward levels 1-50. The primary goals of these spells are to give an illusionist the tools they require to overcome or evade almost any encounter and to make learning of this school more natural.

In short, I feel that Illusion has been significantly toned down in favor of shouts. To remedy the situation, some of the spells from the previous titleshave been brought back.


  1. Implementation Progress

The Scope of Illusion Spells

The primary motivation for creating these spells is to enable the player to rely primarily on Illusion magic.That does not involve nuking everything between Solitude and Riften with a meteor shower,instantly killing an enemy that is asleep,or auto-casting fire frost and lightning whenever an enemy approaches.

The school of Illusion has historically (TES) not been used to inflict physical, poison or magic damage to other creatures. That is the domain of destruction magic and alchemy. I find it unfortunate that some other mods include damage-spells under the school of Illusion. I think they draw inspiration from other games where distinctions between different schools of magic is hardlya topic at all.

On the other hand, Mysticism does provide health and stamina absorption spells, but I'm not sure as to whether I wish to implement them.I have worked around the fact that Mysticism has been cut from TES: Vby adding a requirement to certain spells that the caster must be trained in one or several additional schools before the spell will have any effect. This includes teleportation and luminosity spells (alteration), absorption spells (restoration) and reflection spells (destruction).Additionally all spells listed as Mysticism spells require the Mirror perk.

Oblivion Spell Shops

You are encouraged to check out the UESP lore page on Illusion. That page serves as general guidelines on what these spells should do. Here is a quick summary:

Illusion spells can change a target's visibility, produce or remove light, produce or remove noise, charm a creature,induce hatred in it or calm it down, enhance or remove a creature's courage, prevent a creature from seeing or moving,or allow the target to see even in total darkness. Why is hard drive not showing up mac.

Illusion Spells

All spells should be available for purchase with vendors that sell Illusion spells and at locationsin the game where Illusions spells occur via leveled lists (loot chests and so on). You will noticethat all entries state LL under Availability. That means what I just said. I the future, I may decide to distribute some of the spells in the world manually, but given the frailty of this approach, it's probably going to be released as an 'optional file'.

- Anticaster spells -
Pandemonium - I005510Disturbing sound on target, 5-15 pts for 12 s (L 6/12)LL
Pandemonium - II2515510Disturbing sound on target, 15-35 pts for 24 s (L 13/24)LL
Pandemonium - III5028010Disturbing sound on target, 35-55 pts for 36 s (L 19/38)LL
Silence - I5026510Silence target at most 10ft away for 16 sLL
Silence - II7546610Silence target for 32 sLL
Silence - III10081910Silence target for 48 sLL
- Command spells -
Possess Creature - I2515210Command creature for 30 s (dc 45s, L 3/6)LL
Possess Creature - II5025510Command creature for 45 s (dc 68s, L 6/12, max 2 servants)LL
Possess Creature - III7534610Command creature for 60 s (dc 90s, L 9/18, max 3 servants)LL
Possess Creature - IV10050910Command creature for 80 s (dc 120s, L 13/26, max 3 servants)LL
Subjugate - I2517910Command humanoid for 30 s (dc 40s, L 3/6)LL
Subjugate - II5030110Command humanoid for 45 s (dc 60s, L 6/12, max 2 servants)LL
Subjugate - III7540810Command humanoid for 60 s (dc 80s, L 9/18, max 3 servants)LL
- Combat and Stealth spells -
Sanctuary - I00671025% chance to ignore 5-25 pts of damage from any weapon excuding bows [1]LL
Sanctuary - II251251025% chance to ignore 5-45 pts of damage from any weapon excluding bows. 45% chance to ignore 15-95 damage from creatures.LL
Sanctuary - III502101035% chance to ignore 15-75 points of damage from any weapon and 35-155 damage from creaturesLL
Chameleon - I006910Chameleon 15% for 35 sLL
Chameleon - II2518510Chameleon 30% for 45 sLL
Chameleon - III5028210Chameleon 50% for 55 sLL
Chameleon - IV7536110Chameleon 70% for 75 sLL
Chameleon - V10048410Chameleon 90% for 85 sLL
Hide5016210Invisibility for 20 sLL
Ghostwalk7534910Invisibility for 35 s (renamed invisibility spell)LL
Spectral Form10071510Invisibility for 60 sLL
Muffle - I006510Movement noise -35%, speed -8%. Lasts 90 s [2]LL
Muffle - II2511010Movement noise -45%, speed -6%. Lasts two minutesLL
Muffle - III5015510Movement noise -55%, speed -4%. Lasts three minutesLL
Apparition - I7555010Movement noise -65%, speed -2%. Chameleon 30%.
Lasts four minutes
Apparition - II10084310Movement noise -70%. Chameleon 70%.
Lasts four minutes
- Mind Influence and World Perception spells -
Beacon006610Creates a gravity-bound sphere of light. Radius ~1500LL
Bright Flare2513610Creates a gravity-bound sphere of light. Radius ~3000, travels faster.LL
Balefire5018710Creates a gravity-bound sphere of light. Radius ~6000, very fast, sticks to surfaces (24 s).LL
Third Vision002510Night-Eye on self for 82 s. Effect fades out.LL
Sixth Vision - I255910Night-Eye on self for 123 s. Effect fades out.LL
Sixth Vision - II5013110Night-Eye on self for 185 s. Effect fades out.LL
Sixth Vision - III7527310Night-Eye on self for 227 s. Effect fades out.LL
Sixth Vision - IV10053310Night-Eye on self for 415 s. Effect but fades out.LL
Charm - I2526010Barter 5% better, boost persuasion by 15 ptsLL
Charm - II5048010Barter 15% better, boost persuasion by 25 ptsLL
Charm - III7581010Barter 25% better, boost persuasion by 35 ptsLL
Charm - IV100124610Barter 45% better, boost persuasion by 45 ptsLL


[1]: The caster of any sanctuary spell is subject to contacting a 'greivous wound disease' that will stop health regeneration until healed at an alter or with a cure disease potion. Chance to get a bleeding wound increases with number of hitstaken.

The damage reduction points (15-75, 35-155, etc) are calculated at random, i.e.not depending on the game difficulty or any other factors. [2]: Original muffle spell (0x43323) is untouched, use it if you think it's any good.

Mysticism Spells

Absorb Speed - I4511810Slow target by 18 points, gain half of that speed (L 13/24)[1]LL
Absorb Speed - II7524810Slow target by 22 points, gain half of that speed (L 26/52)LL
Absorb Speed - III10044710Slow target by 26 points, gain half of that speed (L 26/52)LL
Mark5063010Marks a placeLL
Recall5025510Teleports caster to previously placed mark[2]LL
Divine Intervention5045510Teleports caster to a close by or far away divine alterLL
Detect Enchantment4527010Sense items imbued with magic, 2000 pts for 12 sLL
Mirror - Sotha's5046110Reflect single-projectile spells for 36 s[3]LL
Mirror - Shalidor's7567010Reflect single-projectile spells for 72 sLL
Mirror - Llivam's10091110Reflect single-projectile spells for 144 sLL
Spelldrinker - I5033010Absorb 15 pts on self for 77 s. Magicka regeneration -30%LL
Spelldrinker - II7544210Absorb 22 pts on self for 111 s. Magicka regeneration -50%LL
Spelldrinker - III10054710Absorb 30 pts on self for 188 s. Magicka regeneration -70%LL


[1]: If a target is affected by Absorb Speed, re-casting it will result in a 'Actor resisted spell' notification and no effects will be applied.Casting the spell on several targets will slow them all, and affect only one speed bonus for all targets. If the spell exhibits different behaviour then it is a bug.

[2]: If you use Recall to alleviate the tediousness of some fetch quests, the outcome may not always be optimal because some quests pose objectives that requireactivation of specific doors before the quest advances to the next objective orstage (e.g The Way of the Voice). I have no intention of working around this issue.

[3]: Casting Mirror the first time (after installing an additionalspell plugin or DLC) will produce a message box. It should not appear again once the process of sorting supported spells is completed. With Skyrim alone (188 single-projectile spells), the initialization takes about 15 secondson my computer.If enough people complain about this, I might make the init-routine run when the mod is installed instead of when the spell is used.

The Perk Tree

Some changes were necessary to the Illusion tree, because:

  • it was entirely ineffective against some enemies
  • difficult to level naturally (without grinding or exploiting some mechanism)
  • melee combat and destruction are far more powerful

The last point is not entirely true at early levels, but I think it's a valid claim for levels above 20.

It became increasingly annoying after several play-throughs that Illusion could not be used effectively to deal with all enemies.That holds for any definition of effective which involves fun and not just watching NPCs hack at each other.Destruction, bows, hammers, etc. became much more powerful (much sooner) in dealing with enemies.Effectively rendering Illusion spells pointless and boring at best.By the time I could unlock Quiet Casting or Master Mind, other skills were so dominant, that even spending those perk points was more of a role-playing decision than a practical advantage.

The approach to the solution is simple;

  • make Illusion even more powerful early
  • introduce tools that remain effective and fun beyond level 50
  • deal with Dwemer machines

Dragons remain a problem for an Illusionst.I think that is fair because they have been around for some time and are difficult to trick.Although I do think it should be possible to pacify them after gaining some recognition as their peeror when you master more shouts than they do.

Details about perks

NNminimum level to unlock perk
Perk namein-game title of a perk in the Skills menu
[old name]perk names remain the same
{KK,MM}adds KK levels to magnitude.
adds MM levels to magnitude for vanilla spells
(e.g. Possess Creature works on level 3+KK enemies)
*new perk
!x.yymeans not implemented in version x.yy or any other version

Implementation Progress

List of all spells and their status

ProgressEffectSpellSkill Requirements
0 Absorb <attribute>Illusion 45,
0 Absorb <skill> Illusion 45,
0 Absorb health Illusion 45, Alteration 25
0 Absorb magicka Illusion 45, Alteration 25
0 Absorb stamina Illusion 45, Alteration 25
0 Blind
0 Detect Animal
0 Dispel
0 Paralyze
2 Spell Absorption SpelldrinkerIllusion 45, Alteration 35, Restoration 35
1 Spell Reflection Mirrors of Sotha, Shalidor, LlivamIllusion 45, Alteration 35, Destruction 35
1 Command Creature Possess Creature
1 Command Humanoid Subjugate
1 Detect Enchantment Detect Enchantment
1 Sound Pandemonium
1, Absorb speed Absorb SpeedIllusion 45, Alteration 20
1. Chameleon Chameleon
1. Silence Silence
2 Divine Intervention Divine InterventionIllusion 45
2 Invisibility Hide, Ghostwalk, Spectral Form
2 Mark & Recall Mark, RecallIllusion 45, Alteration 35
2 Night-Eye Third, Sixth VisionsAlteration 10, 15, 20
2, Sanctuary Sanctuary
2. Charm Charm I-V
2. Light Beacon, Bright Flare, BalefireAlteration 10, 17, 23

Minor Problems

Light spells: Balefire will sometimes leave behind the light object. Corelcad 2016 5 – reasonably priced cad solution. This happens when cast on an actor and can be cleared up by re-casting the spell on an actor.

Chameleon: Changes game settings in a way that is not persistent across saves.That is, if you save and quit, values will be reset to vanilla levels (or default levels of a mod that changes them). The affected game settings are given below, read the comments in tox_iam_chameleon_QuestScript.psc for more info.

Free primavera p6 software full version with crack. Mods that change these game settings are supported with the global _tox_chameleon_reset:

  1. Wait for chameleon spell to wear off, if cast
  2. Next, set <the global> to 1 and save
  3. Finally, install the new sneak or stealth mod and load

- - -
Next there is the minor issue of light and shadows showing through the PCs hands in 1 st person,I don't really mind that.

Charm: The effects are ubiquitous; everyone gives better prices after castingthis spell on anyone.

Reflect: There is seemingly no way to intercept an incoming spell. As such spells cannot really be reflected, only detected on impact and cast back. Nevertheless, in essence, I think the effect comes close enough to the original. A more serious issue is that papyrus gets overwhelmed and dumps the stack when there are many incoming spells. In practice this means that some spells will not be cast back when they should be. This happenswhen fighting groups of 5-7 or more mages.

Mark: The marker may remain once for every room where the spell is used.

Frequently asked (or anticipated) questions

Spell Ideas

  • taunt (force spell casters and archers to charge)
  • Shadow Weave
    • Chameleon 20 pts for 10 s on Self
    • Sanctuary 20 pts for 10 s on Self


Magick effects from Oblivion and Morrowind

Some of the magic effects I have missed are listed below. The descriptionsare based on the UESP wiki, with minor changes where needed. I put together this list mainly for my own sake while deciding which spells to include. Use it for reference or not at all. The list of Morrowind character attributes is relevant to the various absorbption spells.

UESP Links


Oblivion, Illusion

  • Chameleon M% for D seconds
  • The percentage M refers to how well you're hidden. Chameleon actually reduces the range at which you can be detected, rather than the chance of you remaining unnoticed.
  • Visually, Chameleon will make an actor slowly become more transparent as M increases, vanishing completely at 100%.
  • Charm M points for D seconds
  • Charm increases the disposition of the target by M points for D seconds.
  • buy and sell goods at more reasonable prices.
  • target willing to provide the caster with information, and more easy to persuade
  • Command Creature up to level L for D seconds.
  • Undead are affected by this attack.
  • Command Humanoid up to level L for D seconds.
  • Chance of lowering disposition
  • Invisibility for D seconds
  • Add options at lower levels, if at all (there are some invisibility spells on nexus already)
  • Light M feet for D seconds
  • makes a region uniformly bright up to a distance M from the target
  • Night-Eye for D seconds
  • makes everything appear blue, and therefore makes it more difficult to pick out items and more difficult to recognize dark corners to sneak in
  • Paralyze for D seconds
  • Paralyze immobilizes the target for D seconds. (maybe add close-range, on-touch, short duration options)
  • Silence for D seconds
  • The bane of all spellcasters. You cannot cast spells while silenced. It is still possible to use potions, staves, and scrolls.

Morrowind, Illusion

  • Blind M% for D seconds
  • Causes the target's vision to be obscured, making it harder for them to see. The Magnitude is the degree of blindness. At 100%, they will be completely unable to see anything. If you attack a blinded opponent, they may attempt to flee.
  • Could be difficult to implement properly (trespassing, stealing, reporting crime. missing attacks in combat should be easy.)
  • Sound M points for D seconds
  • Creates a distracting noise in the mind of the target, decreasing their chance of successfully casting spells by M%.
  • Sanctuary M points for D seconds
  • Causes the target to be harder to hit by physical attacks. The magnitude is the value that is added to the the target's chance to dodge attacks. (Magical attacks are unaffected.)

Morrowind, Mysticism

  • Absorb <Attribute> M points for D seconds
  • Gives the caster M points of one of the target's atributes, temporarily.
  • When the spell expires, both attributes return to their previous values.
  • The effects are not cumulative,
  • Absorb {Fatigue,Health,Magicka} M points for D seconds
  • Transfers {F,H,M} from the target to the caster.
  • The caster may not exceed their own natural maximum {F,H,M} value,
  • Even if the caster is at full {F,H,M}, draining effect will continue.
  • Detect Animal M feet for D seconds
  • The Magnitude is the maximum range of detection (for all detect x spells)
  • Causes you to detect all living creatures in the vicinity.
  • Detect Enchantment M feet for D seconds
  • Causes you to detect all enchanted items in the vicinity, whether out in the open, inside containers, or carried/worn by NPCs.
  • Detect Key M feet for D seconds.
  • Causes you to detect all keys in the vicinity, whether out in the open, inside containers, or carried by NPCs.
  • Dispel M%
  • Cancels all temporary magic effects on the target (effects from abilities, potions, Constant Effect items, and diseases are all unaffected). This can be used either to remove an enemy's defenses, or to remove negative effects from yourself or your allies. Note that in either case, it will remove both good and bad effects. The magnitude determines the chance an effect is removed. Dispel 100% will always cleanse all the temporary effects on the target.
  • Divine Intervention
  • Transports you instantly to the nearest (Imperial Cult) shrine
  • Mark & Recall
  • Teleport back to marked location after casting recall
  • Spell Absorption M points for D seconds
  • Gives a M% chance that incoming spells will be absorbed, and their casting cost will be used to restore the subject's Magicka pool instead of taking effect. Spells that are not absorbed will behave normally, doing their full effect.
  • Reflect M% for D seconds
  • Gives a M% chance that incoming hostile spells will be reflected back at their caster. Spells that are not reflected will behave normally, doing their full effect.

Morrowind, character attributes

  • Agility
  • Block, Light Armor, Marksman, and Sneak.
  • It affects: hit chance, anti-stagger, max stamina, sneak, security, acrobatics, block
  • Endurance
  • Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, and Spear.
  • It affects: max hp, max stamina
  • Intelligence
  • Alchemy, Conjuration, Enchant, and Security. If affects: max magicka
  • Luck
  • Luck affects everything in a small way, from attacking, successfully enchanting an item.
  • Luck is very important for mages, because it increases the chance to successfully cast spells.
  • Luck, however, has no effect on the quality or quantity of random loot that you find.
  • All characters start out with 40 points in Luck (50 custom class)
  • Personality
  • Illusion, Mercantile, and Speechcraft.
  • It affects: disposition with NPCs - every two points of Personality adds one point to Disposition.
  • ability to persuade people by any means.
  • ability to bargain, in tandem with the Mercantile skill.
  • Speed
  • Athletics, Hand-to-hand, Short Blade and Unarmored.
  • It affects: How fast you move in the game world.
  • Strength
  • Acrobatics, Armorer, Axe, Blunt Weapon, and Long Blade.
  • It affects: damage with weapons, including Marksman weapons, and damage to own weapons
  • carrying capacity. Your encumbrance is always 5 times your Strength. This, affects speed and jump height.
  • Your starting Health and Fatigue.
  • Willpower
  • Alteration, Destruction, Mysticism, and Restoration.
  • It affects: ability to successfully cast spells of any School.
  • ability to innately resist Paralyze and Silence magic.
  • Your maximum Fatigue.

Morrowind, derived character attributes

  • Fatigue
  • A character's maximum fatigue is the sum of their
  • Strength, Willpower, Agility, and Endurance.
  • Fatigue plays a part in many actions, so the lower a character's
  • Fatigue gets, the more difficult it becomes to fight, cast spells or do anything else effectively.
  • Acrobatics
  • enables one to jump long distances and to avoid damage when falling from great heights

Chameleon Spell Oblivion

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This is a list of spell merchants by their locations. Instead of listing every spell each merchant sells, this list simply denotes the number, type, and level of spells he/she sells. Click on the merchant's name to get a complete list of his/her spells and the times at which he/she will sell them. To see what the spells do, refer to the comprehensive Spell list that describes all spells. It is not recommended to kill a spell merchant, as unlike most merchants, many have unique spells.

  • The colors indicate difficulty, Novice(0-24), Apprentice(25-49), Journeyman(50-74), Expert(75-99), Master(100).
  • US: The number of unique spells only available with this vendor, although their effects can be found elsewhere.
  • UE: The number of spells with unique effects only available with this vendor, which cannot be found anywhere else.
  • Merchants with footnotes are merchants only available in an official plug-in.

Oblivion Spells List

USUEServicesForm ID
Marc GulitteAnvilMages Guild7J7E60002D01A
Selene Duronia[1]AnvilGreat Chapel of Dibella1N1A1N9A6J1E14xx000F63
ThaurronAnvilMages Guild3A1A1A3A14N7A1J1510002D018
TrevaiaAnvilGreat Chapel of Dibella1N1A1N9A6J1E140000A285
Delphine JendBravilMages Guild3A1A1J1N1A1M10N10A2J3A1A150002CB2D
Eris Senim[2]BravilGreat Chapel of Mara1A1N7A4J1E1xx000F61
Ita RienusBravilMages Guild8J6E2M1N90002D01C
UngarionBravilA Warlock's Luck1N4A1N2A1N2A1N1A3A1N1A1J0000A088
Uravasa OthrelasBravilGreat Chapel of Mara1A1N7A4J1E10000A08A
Isa RamanBrumaGreat Chapel of Talos1J1E1N6A3J2E1M300035EB7
Selena OraniaBrumaMages Guild3A1A1E1A1J1E1N1E3A1E2A1E10002D020
VolanaroBrumaMages Guild1A1J1A1E1M4N1A1E1A1J1A1J1E2J10002D01F
Kinther[3]CheydinhalGreat Chapel of Arkay1A1N1A1N6A3J2E3xx000F5F
M'raaj-DarCheydinhalDark Brotherhood Sanctuary1N1J1E1A2J1E1A1E1A1000023E35
OhtesseCheydinhalGreat Chapel of Arkay1A1N1A1N6A3J2E3000034C7
OrinturCheydinhalMages Guild6J8E2M100002D022
Trayvond the RedguardCheydinhalMages Guild4N9A1A1A3A1A110002D024
Alberic LitteChorrolMages Guild3A5N7A1A3A3A1A34000222B8
AthragarChorrolMages Guild7J10E1J2E111000234BA
Orag gra-BargolChorrolGreat Chapel of Stendarr1E1A1N6A4J2E3000234AE
Aurelinwae[4]Imperial CityMystic Emporium, Market District1M1J1J1A4J1E2M2E1M3J
BorisseanImperial CityArcane University1M3M4M1J3M4M1A1E1M7300034EB0
CalindilImperial CityMystic Emporium, Market District3N1A1N2A4A1N2A1N1A2N1A00015EA9
Edgar VautrineImperial CityEdgar's Discount Spells, Market District1N2A1N1A3N1A1J1N1N2N2A2J00015E9D
Gaspar StegineImperial CityArcane University1E1M2E1M1E2M1E1M1N1J1E300034EB1
Raminus PolusImperial CityArcane University4E1E6E4E1M3E1J1E100034E15
AgataLeyawiinMages Guild5J6E1M70002D028
Alves UvenimLeyawiinMages Guild3A1A1A2N5A1A20002D027
Aron Verethi[5]LeyawiinGreat Chapel of Zenithar1N6A4J3E3xx000F5C
Avrus AdasLeyawiinGreat Chapel of Zenithar1N6A4J3E300034E6A
Adrienne BereneSkingradMages Guild16E3M110002950A
DrujaSkingradMages Guild3A1A10N1A3A1A4000293EE
Sulinus VassinusSkingradMages Guild3A1A18A3A1A83000293ED
TumindilSkingradGreat Chapel of Julianos1N1A1J1E1N7A4J2E1M300028F9D
Vigge the CautiousSkingradMages Guild1M18J1E3M162000293F3
Kovan Kren[6]Other LocationsDunbarrow Cove1N1A2J1E1M1N2A2J5xx002FA1
Melliwin[6]Other LocationsDunbarrow Cove1A1N4A4J5xx002F9F
Tahm Blackwell[6]Other LocationsDunbarrow Cove1N1A1J1E1N2A2J5xx002F9F

Mod notes[edit]

  1. ^Added by Knights of the Nineofficial plug-in as a replacement for Trevaia
  2. ^Added by Knights of the Nineofficial plug-in as a replacement for Uravasa Othrelas
  3. ^Added by Knights of the Nineofficial plug-in as a replacement for Ohtesse
  4. ^Added by Wizard's Towerofficial plug-in
  5. ^Added by Knights of the Nineofficial plug-in if Avrus Adas is dead at the end of the quests
  6. ^ abcAdded by Thieves Denofficial plug-in

Ring Of Chameleon Oblivion

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Oblivion Chameleon Spell Vendor
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